Creating Web Applications in Rust Cheat Sheet

Rust is a modern programming language designed for performance, safety, and concurrency. It offers a unique combination of low-level control and high-level abstractions, making it the perfect choice for systems programming and networking. One of the key features of Rust is the use of structs and enums. These data structures enable developers to write efficient code with strong typing and pattern matching capabilities. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of rust hack structs and enums, and create a cheat sheet to help you master these concepts.

1. Basics of Structs

A struct is a data structure that groups together data of different types. In Rust, structs are defined using the keyword “struct” followed by a name and a list of field names and types, like this:

struct Book {

    title: String,

    author: String,

    pages: u32,

    price: f32,

You can create an instance of this struct by calling the `Book { }` constructor:

let my_book = Book {

    title: “The Rust Programming Language”.to_string(),

    author: “Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols”.to_string(),

    pages: 548,

    price: 29.99,


You can access the fields of this struct using the dot notation:

println!(“Title: {}”, my_book.title);

println!(“Author: {}”,;

println!(“Pages: {}”, my_book.pages);

println!(“Price: ${}”, my_book.price);

2. Advanced Structs

Rust structs can also have methods defined on them. For example:

impl Book {

    fn print_book(&self) {

        println!(“{} by {}”, self.title,;

This method can be called like this:




3. Basics of Enums

An enum is a data type that represents a group of closely related values. In Rust, enums are defined using the keyword “enum” followed by a name and a list of variants, like this:


enum Color {





You can create an instance of this enum by calling a variant:

let my_color = Color::Red;

You can match on an enum using the `match` statement:


match my_color {

    Color::Red => println!(“This color is red!”),

    Color::Green => println!(“This color is green!”),

    Color::Blue => println!(“This color is blue!”),

4. Advanced Enums

Enums in Rust can also store data associated with each variant. For example:

enum Shape {


    Rectangle(f32, f32),


You can create an instance of this enum like this:

let my_shape = Shape::Rectangle(12.5, 3.5);

You can match on this enum and access the associated data:

match my_shape {

    Shape::Circle(radius) => println!(“This shape is a circle with radius {}.”, radius),

    Shape::Rectangle(width, height) => println!(“This shape is a rectangle with width {} and height {}.”, width, height),

    Shape::Square(side) => println!(“This shape is a square with a side length of {}.”, side),

5. Cheat Sheet

Here’s a cheat sheet to help you remember the basics of Rust structs and enums:


– Defined using the keyword “struct”

– Structs group together data of different types

– Can have methods defined on them

– Access fields using the dot notation


– Defined using the keyword “enum”

– Enums represent a group of closely related values

– Can have associated data

– Match on an enum using the `match` statement

Rust’s structs and enums enable developers to write efficient, strong-typed, pattern-matching code. Structs group together data of different types, while enums represent a group of closely related values. Both data structures can have methods defined on them and can store associated data. This cheat sheet summarizes the basics of Rust structs and enums to help you better master these concepts and improve your Rust programming skills.